The Frugal Biddy

Never Feel Broke Again (Even When You Are): Ways to Never Feel Penniless

Merriam Webster defines broke as being penniless. An example of broke in a sentence is “I’m broke until payday.” Everyone feels broke at some point in time. Being broke can include not having enough money or any money. However, there are ways you can never feel broke again (even when you are).

I was very broke while I was in law school. I was a law student with a baby. Student loans paid for rent, food, and childcare. I was BROKE. I had barely anything left over after paying my bills. There were times when I had to pay for my groceries on my credit card. I also received “charitable donations” from my stepfather for groceries who was concerned that I had to charge groceries for me and my daughter.

I eventually became fed up with my circumstances and started putting money aside. It wasn’t large amounts of money but it was something for those “just in case” moments.

When I began to put aside money for those “just in case” moments I felt better and as if I had more control over my finances. I started setting aside $25 a month in a savings account in case I ran out of money for groceries. I also developed the habit of setting aside 1/3 of my tax refunds into my savings account. The purpose of the account was to have money if I ever needed it and not to have to use my credit card for foreseeable circumstances.

Ways to Never Feel Penniless:

No matter how much I planned back then I never did NOT feel broke. I always felt like I would run out of money. I had to come up with a solution to always have money for at least food to eat.

What I Did When I Felt and Was Stone Broke:

How You Can Tackle Being Financially Strapped:

Being broke and feeling broke are two different things. If you feel broke there are things you can do to change that feeling. You may not have as much money as others but you can put aside enough money so you can always have something. That something may be in a glass jar or in a checking or savings account but as along as you have SOMETHING you will not be broke and can continue to build your account.